Show ip route command
Displays the entire IP route table, a summary of the routing table or route information for specific IP addresses, network masks or protocols.
Syntax: show ip route [[ipAddress [mask]] [bgp | connected | mpls [ipAddress] [ipAddress/PrefLen] [ipAddress mask] [detail] | isis | ospf | static | summary | multicast |unicast]
ipAddress | Specify an IP address for the IP routes to display. |
mask | Specify an IP address mask for the specified IP address. |
PrefLen | Specify a Prefix Length for the specified IP address. Valid values = 0 - 31. |
Description: Use the show ip route command with no arguments to display all IP routes.
Use the show ip route command with the address argument to display routes to a specific IP address.
Use the show ip route command with the mask argument to display routes with a specific network mask.
Use the show ip route command with the bgp, isis, ospf keyword to display summary information about all routes for the specified protocol.
Use the show ip route multicast command to display active routes used by Multicast protocols.
Use the show ip route unicast command to display active routes used for unicast forwarding.
Use the show ip route connected command to display summary information about all directly connected routes.
Use the show ip route mpls command to display all tunnel related route statistics.
use the show ip route mpls detail to display detailed information of all the tunnels by which each route/prefix is reachable. The detail keyword can optionally be used with all ipAddress variants of mpls.
Use the show ip route static command to display summary information about all statically configured routes.
Use the show ip route summary command to display summary information about all IP routes.
Factory Default: None.
Command Mode: Executive and privileged.
Example 1: In the following example, the show ip route command with no arguments displays all routes:
router>show ip route |
The following table describes the fields displayed by the show ip route command.
Field | Description |
connected | Specifies the route was learned as a result of configuring the interface. |
static | Specifies the route was explicitly configured using the ip route command. |
BGP | Specifies the route was received from BGP protocol advertisements. |
MPLS | Specifies this route carries MPLS data. |
external type 1 | Specifies the route was imported into the OSPF area from an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR). Further, this route used the cost associated with the link between the ASBR and this router as part of the cost of the route. |
external type 2 | Specifies the route was imported into the OSPF area from an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR). Further, this route does not use the cost associated with the link between the ASBR and this router as part of the cost of the route. |
isis | Specifies this route was received from IS-IS protocol advertisements. |
N.N.N.N/nn | Network address and mask of the remote network. |
via N.N.N.N | Indicates the next router in the remote network. |
directly connected to | Indicates the network is directly connected to a local interface. |
UD | Indicates the Up/Down bit is set and that the route was leaked from L2 into L1. |
d: | The administrative distance assigned to this route. |
m: | The metric assigned to this route. |
Example 2: In the following example, the show ip route static command displays information about statically configured routes:
router>show ip route static |
Example 3: In the following example, the show ip route summary command displays summary information about all IP routes:
router#show ip route summary |
The following table defines the fields displayed in the show ip route summary command:
Table 1-9. Fields Displayed by show ip route summary
Description | |
connected | These routes were learned as a result of configuring the interface |
kernel | These routes were in the kernel before the routing task started running. |
static | The number of routes that were explicitly configured using the ip route command. |
bgp | The number of routes received from BGP protocol advertisements. |
ospf intra-area | The number of routes learned from within this area. |
ospf inter-area | The number of routes received from other OSPF areas. |
ospf external-1 | These routes were imported into the OSPF area from an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR). Further, these routes use the cost associated with the link between the ASBR and this router as part of the cost of the route. |
ospf external-2 | These routes were imported into the OSPF area from an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR). Further, these routes do not use the cost associated with the link between the ASBR and this router as part of the cost of the route. |
isis | The number of routes received from IS-IS protocol advertisements. |
total | The total number of routes in the IP route table. |
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