Reorganize, Refocus, Can Cisco Recover with Confidence?
Recently, when you open internet to search news related to Cisco, title keywords like reorganize, recover, return, regain and refocus are common seen among Cisco news. Owing to increasing competitors such as Netgear, Juniper, Huawei, etc. all these have their own advantages, and share certain market with Cisco. So for Cisco’s part, there is a very fierce competition between itself and others. Moreover, there are many facts that show Cisco facing a big challenge, for example, Cisco has lost share in recent years in routers, and shut down its Flip video camera division in order to refocus on its core capability of router and switch.
Deciding to share enterprise market with Cisco, Huawei, Technologies Co., China’s largest telephone-network equipment maker, is expanding beyond its traditional business of supplying equipment for phone networks as it strives to more than triple sales to $100 billion in the next 10 years. The push to win more orders from businesses and government agencies may pose its biggest threat to Cisco. And Cisco now is actively searching for partners to enhance its competitive power, such as cooperating with Xerox to offer print services via the cloud through Cisco’s data center technology. HP, another challenger for Cisco, has introduced products supporting a new architecture namely FlexNetwork, which is directly targeting the Cisco's Borderless Networks strategy.
Meanwhile, Cisco also pays attention to their inner management to improve its efficiency while solving problems. Although Cisco has lost its Flip focus, faced more competition, it still has big predominance in routers, switches and service for business and enterprise. Cisco still retains 70% or so of the total switch market. And enterprise and business are Cisco’s main target market.
As we known, Cisco owns many types of routers and switches aim at providing the most professional service for small to large enterprise, such as popular series Cisco 1800 series, 1900 series, new items like Cisco 2911; Cisco switches series like switches 2960, 3560 series…
Frankly, even though Cisco faces many challenges from its counterpart, its core service is still competitive. Of cause, refocusing on its core, concentrate business and enterprise, all these actions can help Cisco keep a good condition among international market.