How to Troubleshoot Cisco System's Wireless LAN Module
The Cisco Wireless Services Module (WiSM) is part of the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller family. WiSM works with other Cisco appliances to deliver a wireless solution, which supports voice, wireless data and video applications. The Cisco WiSM integrates into the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switch, a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 720 and a Cisco 7600 router. Troubleshooting the WiSM is required when the signals are not getting through to the router. The troubleshooting begins with the WiSM connection.
Things You Need as follows:
- Cisco WiSM module
- Cisco Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine 720
Steps to Troubleshoot Cisco System's Wireless LAN Module
1. Type "enable" to enter the privileged mode of the router or switch. The privilege mode will look like this "Router#"; it is the editor mode in which you enter router commands. This privileged editor mode is automatic. All of the troubleshooting commands will occur in privileged mode. For all of these commands, if there is a period at the end, ignore it.
2. Type the command "show version." It is the starting point of any troubleshooting. This displays information relating to the current configuration. One feature displayed is the IOS version running. The WiSM requires a Supervisor 720 on an IOS version 12.2(18). If it does not have 720, or the correct IOS version, there will be problems with the module.
3. Type"show module." Use this command to verify that the Cat6k has a WiSM card and the Supervisor 720 engine. It will also show the number of ports on the card.
4. Type "show wism status" to verify the location of the WiSM module. This information may be useful in locating other configurations on the module.
5. Type "show wism module 4 controller 2 status." This will verify the WiSM status. You will be looking for an "oper-up" information piece to verify the controller's operational status. The module 4 portion identifies the location of the slot in controller 2; it might be different.
6. Type "show interface trunk." This will verify that WiSM and VLANs have trunking defined. If you suspect that a problem is occurring with the VLAN, this would be your starting troubleshooting point.
7. Type"Show etherchannel load balance." This command will verify the correct load balance algorithm. The algorithm should be src-dst-ip. If this algorithm is not present, use the "port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip" command in config mode to reset it.
8. Type "show interface summary" to check the status of the configuration from the WiSM side. Here a summary view of the interface appears. You will see interface name, the port vlan id, the IP address, the type and the application manager.
More Notes: Troubleshoot and Configure Initial Wireless Services Module (WiSM) Setup