How to Reset a Cisco 3900 Router
Cisco markets the 3900 Series Integrated Services Router, or ISR for short, as their cutting edge option in office network technology. The unit offers an upgradable motherboard. This allows owners to update hardware as more powerful options become available without having to purchase a new router. Cisco also appeals to environmentally conscious consumers with their EngeryWise dual power supplies, which lower electricity costs and support essential redundancy requirements. It is occasionally necessary to reset this powerful networking device, restoring it to factory default settings.
Two Metods to Reset a Cisco 3900 Router
Method One
1. Enter "config-register 0x2102" from the router's command prompt window. This gives you access to global configuration mode.
2. Enter "show version." The response should read:
router# configure terminal
router (config) #config-register 0x2102
router (config) #end
Repeat the "show version" command.
The response should now read "will be 0x2102 at next reload."
3. Enter the command "write erase." This will erase the current start-up configuration.
4. Reload the software by entering the "reload" command. Do not save when prompted.
The system display should read:
System configuration has been modified. Save? (yes/no): n
Proceed with reload? (confirm)
Confirm that you want the reload to proceed.
5. Wait for the reload. The dialog box will read:---System Configuration Dialog---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? (yes/no)
The router has been reset.
Method Two
1. Enter the command "config-register 0x2142."
The response should read:
Router (config)#config-register 0x2142
Repeat the "show version command."
The response should now read "will be 0x2142 at next reload."
2. Reload the software by entering the "reload" command. Do not save when prompted. The system should read:
System configuration has been modified. Save? (Yes/no): n
Proceed with reload? (Confirm)
Confirm that you want the reload to proceed.
3. Wait for the reload. The dialog box will read:
---System Configuration Dialog---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? (Yes/no) Enter "no."
4. Change the configuration register setting to 0x2102. Enter "config-register 0x2102." Enter "write memory." This will overwrite the running configuration.
5. Enter the "reload" command. The system configuration dialog will appear again. The router is reset.