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How to Find the Chassis Temp of a Cisco Catalyst 2960?

March 12 2012 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Cisco Switches - Cisco Firewall

The Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch is a small switch that runs the same Cisco IOS that the larger switches do, and has most of the same features. This article describes several ways you can pull information from the switch, such as the chassis temperature. These methods should work on most Cisco switches. Computer with terminal emulation software prepared before you start.



Command Line Interface (CLI)

1. Establish a terminal console connection by entering the IP address of the switch into the "Host Name (or IP Address)" section of the terminal emulation software. Select "SSH" or "Telnet" as the "Connection Type" and click "Open."


2. Verify you are in the "Privilege Exec" mode, which uses a "#" at the end of the prompt. Enter the command "enable" to move out of the "Exec" mode and into the "Privilege Exec" mode. (The "Exec" mode uses a ">" at the end of the prompt.)


3. Enter the command "show env all" to see all the environment information. The "Temperature is" section will be at "OK" and the "Temperature State" will be "Green" if the "Temperature Value" is below the "Yellow Threshold" value.


4. Modify the "Yellow Threshold" with the command "system env temperature threshold" followed by a number. This command must be issued from the "config" mode, which has "(config)" at the end of the prompt. To move from the "Privilege Exec" mode to the "config" mode, issue the command "configure terminal."


Web Browser

5. Check if the web service is running on your switch by issuing the command "show ip http server status" from the "Privileged Exec" mode. See Section 1 for details on how to get there.


6. Verify that "HTTP server status" and/or "HTTP secure server status" is set to "Enabled." Issue the command "ip http server" from the "configuration" mode to enable the web services. To disable the HTTP service, issue the command "no ip http server."


7. Open a browser, type the IP address of your switch into the address bar and hit enter.


8. Check the far right section titled "Temp" for the temperature of the switch.


Tips & Warnings

You can also use SNMP traps to monitor the switch temperature, but the process is not very intuitive and requires knowledge of SNMP MIBs, traps and monitoring software.

Enabling the HTTP service on your switch introduces a security risk.

Reference from Cisco.com

Catalyst 2960 Switch Software Configuration Guide

Cisco Catalyst 2960-S and 2960 Series Switches with LAN Base Software

Cisco IOS Commands Master List

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