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How to Configure Cisco IP Phones?

July 17 2013 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Cisco IP Phones

How to configure a Cisco 7960 IP Phone? Here a full guide may help you step by step.


  1. Click the “Settings” button.
  2. Use the scrolling arrows in the center to go down to the last selection, which is “Unlock Config” and press select.
  3. The screen will then prompt you for a password.  The password for these particular phones is “cisco” in all lowercase letters.  Once done typing in the password click the “Accept” button.
  4. Keep in mind that any time you leave the “Settings” screen you will be prompted for administrator password.
  5. Next scroll up to the “Network Configuration” selection and press select.
  6. On this screen you will see all the parameters to configure the network.  First you must scroll down to the field which asks if you want “DCHP Enabled”.  You should select “Yes” and then hit “Save”.
  7. Then configure the TFTP manually. Then click the “Save” button. Jump to step 12.
  8. If you selected “No” in step 6, then you can scroll up to the IP Address field and hit the “Edit” button.
  9. Now enter in the IP address assigned to the phone and hit the “Accept” button.
  10. Repeat the previous step for the Subnet Mask, TFTP, Default Router1, and DNS Server 1 fields.
  11. Once you are done click the “Save” button.
  12. You will now be brought back to the “Settings” screen, which you will next select “SIP Configuration”.
  13. Now select “Line 1 Settings”.
  14. Under the “Name” field type in the name of the line.  This will be the name displayed on the phone to distinguish between different lines.
  15. The next field is the “Authentication Name”, which should contain the username entered in the SER.
  16. The following field is “Authentication Password”, which is where the password for the SER user should be entered.
  17. The “Display Name” field should contain the name that will be shown when dialing another IP phone.
  18. The “Proxy Address” field should contain the DNS name for the SER.
  19. The “Proxy Port” should have the value 5060 entered.
  20. Once all the SIP settings have been entered click the “Back” button until you get to the main screen.
  21. You should now be ready to place calls with the Cisco IP Phone.


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Great resource! Thanks for sharing