How to Adjust the DHCP Setting on Your Router?
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and is used by routers connected to a network to automatically assign IP addresses to all of the computers on that network. The assigned addresses are kept in a central database. Using DHCP prevents two machines from receiving the same IP address, and prevents network administrators from having to assign addresses manually. Most routers have an option to turn DHCP on or off.
Instructions to Adjust the DHCP Setting on Your Router/Cisco router
1. Open a Web browser on a computer connected to the network.
2. Navigate to your router's homepage. This differs for different routers, so refer to your owner's manual for the address. Common router addresses are, and The address most likely begins with 192.168.
3. Log in to your router as an administrator to make changes. Again, the login settings will vary according to your router manufacturer, so refer to your owner's manual. Common logins include admin/admin, admin/(blank), and (blank)/(blank).
4. Navigate to the "LAN Settings" of your router.
5. Check either the "Enable DHCP" or "Disable DHCP" radio button. If you enable the DHCP settings, you can choose a starting and an ending IP address for all of the computers on the network. This is not necessary, however, as the router's default settings are normally all you need.
6. Click "Apply/Save changes" and log out of the router. You may have to restart the router to apply the changes.
Tips & Warnings
If you are not sure whether or not to enable DHCP, it is best to use the router's default settings. Improper DHCP settings can make your network unstable or inoperative.
More Info: DHCP & DHCP Operation