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Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series-Understanding the MET Reserved VLAN Range on IOS 15

September 3 2012 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Cisco Switches - Cisco Firewall

We deployed some new Cisco Catalyst 6513 with Sup2T supervisor engines as access switches several days ago. During the initial configuration, we realized that Cisco had introduced some new reserved VLANs on IOS15 for internal usage:

switch(config)#vlan 3990

VLAN id: 3990 is an internal vlan id - cannot use it to create a VTP VLAN.


Reserved VLANs can be checked with the command “sh vlan internal usage”:

switch #sh vlan internal usage

VLAN Usage

---- --------------------

1006 online diag vlan0

1007 online diag vlan1

1008 online diag vlan2

1009 online diag vlan3

1010 online diag vlan4

1011 online diag vlan5

1012 PM vlan process (trunk tagging)

3968 MET reserved VLAN

3969 MET reserved VLAN

3970 MET reserved VLAN

3971 MET reserved VLAN


4030 MET reserved VLAN

4031 MET reserved VLAN


Due some code being backported from NX-OS to IOS 15, VLANs from 3968 to 4031 are now reserved for MET usage. However, if you are deploying these switches on working environments you may have the need to use some of these VLANs. If this is the case, you can change the VLAN range with the following command:

switch (config)#vlan internal reserved met vlan 3904


The new MET VLAN will take effect after reload.

Please reload, or no change will be made

Configuration MET VLAN value is 3904

Operation MET VLAN value is 3968


After you reload the switch the new VLAN range will be applied:

switch #sh vlan internal usage


3904 MET reserved VLAN

3905 MET reserved VLAN

3906 MET reserved VLAN


3965 MET reserved VLAN

3966 MET reserved VLAN

3967 MET reserved VLAN

---Original resources from packetpushers.net

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