Basic Information of RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
IP RIP (Routing Information Protocol) comes in two different versions: 1 and 2. Version 1 is a distance vector protocol (RFC 1058) and Version 2 is a hybrid protocol (RFCs 1721 and 1722).
Routing Information Protocol Version 1 (RIPv1)
RIPv1 uses local broadcasts to share routing information. These updates are periodic in nature, occurring, by default, every 30 seconds. To prevent packets from circling around a loop forever, both versions of RIP solve counting to infinity by placing a hop count limit of 15 hops on packets. Any packet that reaches the sixteenth hop will be dropped. RIPv1 is a classful protocol. RIP supports up to six equal-cost paths to a singledestination. Equal-cost path are the paths where the metric is same (Hop count).
Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2)
RIPv2 is a distance vector protocol with routing enhancements built into it, and it is based on RIPV1. Therefore, it is commonly called a hybrid protocol.
RIPv2 uses multicasts instead of broadcasts. RIPv2 supports triggered updates. when a change occurs, a RIPv2 router will immediately propagate its routing information to its connected neighbours. RIPv2 is a classless protocol and it supports variable-length subnet masking (VLSM).
Both RIPv1 and RIPv2 uses hop count as the metric.
Differences between RIPv1 and RIPv2
• Supports only classful routing (Does not support VLSM).
• No authentication.
• RIPv1 uses Broadcast.
•Supports classless routing (Supports VLSM).
RIPv2 incorporates the addition of the network mask in the update to allow classless routing advertisements.
• Authentication is available.
• RIPv2 uses multi-cast instead of broadcast. Multicast communication reduces the burden on the network devices that do not need to listen to RIP updates.
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