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Cisco & Cisco Network Hardware News and Technology

Cisco ONE Software Device Tiering Guide-Part 1

May 24 2018 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Networking, #IT, #Cisco Technology - IT News, #Cisco & Cisco Network, #Cisco Routers, #Data Center, #Cisco Wireless - Cisco Wireless AP

We know that Cisco ONE Software suites have been introduced to provide a cost-effective and flexible way for customers to acquire software for their data center, WAN, switching, and wireless needs. Do you know how to choose the Cisco ONE Software License for your Cisco hardware? In the following part it shows you the Cisco ONE Software Device Tiering Guide that tells you more…

As described in the FAQ for Cisco ONE Software License Portability, the hardware product series and/or tier on which you have deployed your licenses determines your portability options. Licenses are portable within a product tier (for example, Cisco 2900 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISR) to 2900 Series ISR).

Devices with greater capabilities are categorized in a higher tier because they gain more benefit from the capabilities in Cisco ONE Software. You can port your licenses to a higher tier, but an upgrade fee may be involved.

Table1 describes the different equipment refresh scenarios. Subsequent tables describe the tiers for each family of hardware.

Table1. License portability use cases

Use Case



Refresh a device with a device in the same tier.

Example: Cisco 2901 ISR to 2911 ISR

If a Cisco Software Support Services (SWSS) contract is in place, the software can be used on the new device.


Refresh a device with a device in a higher tier.

Example: Cisco 2901 ISR to 3925 ISR

You must pay a software upgrade fee to use the software from the original device on the replacement device.


You must purchase an upgraded Cisco SWSS contract for the new software. You receive a credit for the old support contract.

The cost is the license cost on the new device minus the license cost on the old device, at current list prices, subject to customer-negotiated discounts.


You also need to consider the cost of the upgraded Cisco SWSS contract.

Refresh a device with a device in a lower tier.

Example: Cisco 3925 ISR to 2901 ISR

You are entitled to use the software deployed on your original device on a lower tier replacement device. You retain license portability rights associated with the original device family, so you can subsequently refresh the device back to the original device family.


You can opt to downgrade the license permanently to the lower tier device family, which would allow you to renew your Cisco SWSS contract at a lower price. In that case, the license entitlement is set permanently to the lower-tier family.

None. The support contract remains with the original device family.




If you permanently downgrade, you may renew your Cisco SWSS contract at a lower price.

Refresh a device with a next‑generation device.

Example: Cisco 3925 ISR to 4000 Series ISR

In this case, the transfer depends on whether the next-generation Cisco 4000 Series ISR is considered the same tier as the existing device, or a higher or lower tier. Depending on the tier, the policies outlined above apply.


In all cases, you must migrate your software licenses to a next-generation device before your older device reaches end of support. At this stage, your Cisco SWSS contact will have expired and you will not meet the portability criteria.

The tier of the next-generation device determines the cost. Depending on the tier, the policies outlined above apply.


Table2. Cisco routers and license portability tiers

Portability Tiers

Current Gen

Next Gen

Cisco Integrated Services Routers

Tier 1

ISR 8xx series


ISR 819, 860, 880, and 890


Tier 2

Cisco ISR 19xx Series


ISR 1921

ISR 4221

ISR 1941

ISR 4321

Tier 3 

Cisco ISR 29xx Series


ISR 2901

ISR 4331

ISR 2911


ISR 2921


ISR 2951


Tier 4

Cisco ISR 39xx Series


ISR 3925


ISR 3945


ISR 3925E


ISR 3945E


Cisco Aggregation Services Routers

Tier 5

Cisco ASR 10xx Series


ASR 1001-X/HX


ASR 1002-X/HX


ASR 1004


ASR 1006, ASR 1006X


ASR 1009X


ASR 1013


* ASR 9K will have separate tiers specific to that platform (to be updated very soon)

In the next article we will continue to share the guidance on which Cisco switches, data center switches, wireless products belong to which tiers for the purposes of Cisco ONE license portability.

...To be continued...

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