How to Stack Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches?
Stacking Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches is often asked by Cisco users. When we talk about the Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR stacking, we need to know Cisco FlexStack-Extended and FlexStack-Plus technology. What’s the FlexStack-Extended and FlexStack-Plus technology? What benefits can we get from this tech? And how to stack Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR? We will share the typical example of Stacking Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches in this article.
- Cisco FlexStack-Extended and FlexStack-Plus technology allows stacked installation of Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches within the same wiring closet, across wiring closets on different floors of a building, or across different buildings in a campus, with a single point of management that reduces IT management overhead.
- The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X FlexStack-Plus Stack Module provides high-bandwidth stacking capability over short distances to simplify management and improve resiliency.
- The Cisco Catalyst 2960-X FlexStack-Extended Stack Module–Hybrid provides investment protection for Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches that are already stacked and installed with FlexStack-Plus modules.
These modules act as interconnects between FlexStack-Plus and FlexStack-Extended stacked switches.
The FlexStack-Extended and FlexStack-Plus modules enable stacking within and across wiring closets. Up to eight Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches can be stacked, with a single management and control plane. All management tasks, such as configuration, Cisco IOS Software upgrades, and troubleshooting, can be performed for all stacked switches from a single point of management through a command line or a simple graphical interface with Cisco Catalyst Configuration Professional.
The FlexStack-Plus and FlexStack-Extended modules are simple-to-install plug-and-play modules, with no preset configuration requirements. They simplify troubleshooting of multiple switches spread over large areas of the campus.
The FlexStack-Extended module uses the same rules for stack master election as FlexStack-Plus switches. These modules can be inserted into the stack module slot at the rear of the Cisco Catalyst 2960-X and 2960-XR Series Switches. Up to eight switches can be stacked in a ring topology using the FlexStack-Plus or FlexStack-Extended modules.
Learn more: FlexStack vs. FlexStack-Plus
Stack Module Slot Location

How to Stack Cisco Catalyst 2960-X or 2960-XR Series Switches?
● Stack modules are plug and play; no configuration is required to bring up the stack.
Command: “show inventory” to see the modules inserted:
switch#show inventory
NAME: "3", DESCR: "WS-C2960XR-48TD-I"
PID: WS-C2960XR-48TD-I , VID: V01 , SN: FOC1720Y3WK
-----Output omitted-----------------------
NAME: "Switch 1 - FlexStackPlus Module", DESCR: "Stacking Module"
PID: C2960X-HYBRID-STK , VID: V01 , SN: FDO211827QG
The ports of the modules are in a stack port configuration by default.
Command: “show switch hstack-ports” to ensure that the ports are stack ports.
Example: On the FlexStack-Extended fiber module:
The ports of the modules are in a stack port configuration by default.
Command: “show switch hstack-ports” to ensure that the ports are stack ports.
Example: On the FlexStack-Extended fiber module:

Example: On the FlexStack-Extended hybrid module:
Note: The fiber port of the module does not show up with this command.

● When connecting the FlexStack-Extended hybrid module to FlexStack-Plus modules, the stack bandwidth of the switch with the FlexStack-Plus module should be manually configured to 10 Gbps
Command: “switch stack port-speed 10G” to set the stacking bandwidth to 40 Gbps:
Example: switch(config)#switch stack port-speed 10
Command: ‘show switch stack-ring speed’
Example: switch#show switch stack-ring speed
Stack Ring Speed : 10G
Stack Ring Configuration: Half
Stack Ring Protocol : FlexStack
● Once the stack cables (fiber or FlexStack-Plus cables) are connected to the switches to stack them:
Command: “show switch” to see all switches in the stack. The master is indicated with an asterisk (*).
switch#show switch
Switch/Stack Mac Address : d0c7.896b.9480
H/W Current
Role Mac Address Priority Version State
2 Member d0c7.aaaa.xxxx 1 4 Ready
*3 Master d0c7.bbbb.yyyy 1 4 Ready
Command: “show switch stack-ports” to see the status of the stack ports.
Example: switch#show switch stack-ports
Switch # Port 1 Port 2
-------- ------ ------
2 Down Ok
3 Down Ok
Ok: Port status up
Down: Port status down
Note: When adding a switch to an existing stack, power off the new switch, connect the stack cables, and then power on the new switch. This will prevent any downtime in the existing stack.
● If the switches in the stack are less than 3 m (10 ft) apart or high stacking bandwidth is a requirement, the C2960X STACK module would be best suited for stacking
● If the stack switches are spread across wiring closets on different floors of a building or across multiple buildings in a campus (switches are more than 3 m [10 ft] apart), the C2960X-FIBER-STK module would be best suited
● If the stack is a mix of switches in the same wiring closet and switches spread across wiring closets, the stack modules will be a mix of C2960X STACK, C2960X-FIBER-STK, and C2960X-HYBRID-STK

● Fast convergence is not supported on stack switches with FlexStack-Extended ports
● The fiber stack ports will support 10-Gbps transceivers only. Refer to the list of supported 10-Gbps transceivers mentioned earlier
● The FlexStack-Extended modules support up to 40-Gbps stack bandwidth over longer distances
● The FlexStack-Plus module supports up to 80-Gbps stack bandwidth over short distances
● When adding a new switch to an existing stack, power off the new switch and then connect the stack cables. This is to prevent reload of the existing stack and stack master reelection
● To use FlexStack-Extended modules, all switches in the stack require upgrade to Cisco IOS Software Release 15.2(6)E or later
Reference from
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