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Cisco & Cisco Network Hardware News and Technology

Embrace Efficiency and Lower Costs with Cisco Digital Building Series

April 26 2017 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Networking, #Cisco Switches - Cisco Firewall, #IT

Designed for smart buildings and optimized for low-voltage PoE, the new Catalyst Digital Building plenum-rated UPOE fan-less switches combine lighting, air conditioning, security systems, and more on one IP network with seamless security and easy installation and management.

Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switch Highlights

● 8 fast Ethernet ports and 2 gigabit copper uplink ports, with line-rate forwarding performance

● Universal Power over Ethernet (Cisco UPOE) and Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) support with up to 480W of power budget.

● Support for Layer 2 features, optimized for robust connectivity to lighting and other building IoT devices.

● Silent operation due to fanless design, which enhances reliability

● Enhanced Limited Lifetime Warranty (E-LLW)

Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switch Models and Default Software

The Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Switches are available in two switch models. They vary by the output power/port supported by the model. One model supports Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+), which guarantees 30W/port of power. The other model supports Universal Power over Ethernet (UPOE), which guarantees double the power, 60W/port.


Ethernet Ports

Output Ports

PoE Power


Default Software


8 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet UPOE



2 x 10/100/1000

LAN Lite


8 x 10/100 Fast Ethernet PoE+



2 x 10/100/1000

LAN Lite


Embrace Efficiency and Lower Costs with Cisco Digital Building Series

The Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switches are industry’s first ever purpose-built switch designed for low-voltage LED lighting and digital building systems. The switch can be used to power devices and applications with Cisco’s perpetual and fast Universal Power over Ethernet (UPOE) technologies, delivering up to 60W/port.

The Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switch offers several benefits that no other competitive switch in the market does:

• Flexible deployment with semiruggedized, plenum-rated, UL-certified fanless features, multiple powering options, and support for mobile apps for easy deployment

• <0.5W power consumption on standby, Uninterrupted power during reboots and rapid power restoration under 5 seconds after power resumption

• High security and reliability with long-lasting 10+ year system life and threat sensing and mitigation when used with Catalyst 3850 upstream switches.

• Functional interoperability with CoAP proxy support, a lightweight protocol for constrained devices: lights, VAV systems, digital signage, sensors, and so on.


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Cisco’s New ‘Light Switch’-The Catalyst Digital Building Series

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