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Cisco & Cisco Network Hardware News and Technology

New Cisco UCS S3260 Storage Server: A Dense and Powerful Server for Scale-out Storage

November 22 2016 , Written by Cisco & Cisco Router, Network Switch Published on #Networking, #Cisco & Cisco Network

Cisco introduced the new Cisco UCS S-Series Storage Servers-S3260 into the market in earlier November. The S Series is a new storage-optimized server category in the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) portfolio designed specifically to address the needs of data intensive workloads such as Big Data, and for deploying software-defined storage, object storage, and data protection solutions.

The Cisco UCS S3260 Storage Server is a powerful, modular, and high-capacity storage-optimized rack server well suited for environments that need petabyte-scale storage. It provides dense, cost-effective storage to address your ever-growing data needs. Designed for a new class of data-intensive applications, it is simple to deploy and can handle many simultaneous uses, ranging from data protection to active archives to high performance computing, all within the same cluster.

Unlike some ultra-high-capacity servers, the S3260 has the right proportions of compute and storage to meet the demands of modern, storage-intensive workloads. Like the rest of the UCS portfolio, the S3260 is a powerful server with industry-leading networking, and it now offers over 600TB of capacity. Whether you experience a growth of data or a growth in demand for that data, the S3260 can handle it.

Key UCS S3260 Storage Server features for scale-out storage:

  • 1 or 2 server nodes per chassis
  • Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) allows pooling of drives and dynamic allocation of these drives to server nodes
  • Up to 56 top-loading 3.5” disk drives with support for partially populated chassis and as-needed expansion
  • Optional additional 4 rear-loading 3.5” disk drives (if only one server node is used)
  • 2 dedicated 2.5” SSD slots per server node (for system software)
  • 4x 40Gbps of I/O throughput with various network connectivity options

UCS S3260 hardware features that help create a leading cloud storage solution.

Now let’s read some details of the new UCS S3260 hardware from the following video.

Introducing the New Cisco UCS S-Series Storage Servers


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