How to Stack Cisco 3750E and 3750X Switches?
The issue: “There are two Cisco 3750 switches: WS-C3750E-48PD-SF and WS-C3750X-48PF-L. Both have universal IOS. So can we make the stacking of these two Cisco switches?”
How to STACK the Cisco 3750E and 3750X one? Firstly, we should know the license the two 3750s have. Well, the switch 3750E has IP Base license and the 3750X has LAN Base license. In fact, the 3750E and the 3750x-LAN base are not compatible to stack.
Cisco 3750x LanBase can only stack with other LanBase. 3750x IPBase can stack with any other 3750 (with the exeption of 3750x lanbase and some older 3750 with 16 Mb of memory)
So we need to have a license upgrade the 3750x from lanbase to ipbase and then they are able to stack with each other.
It is a license thing: "The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series Switches with LAN Base feature set can only stack with other Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Series LAN Base switches. A mixed stack of LAN Base switch with IP Base or IP Services features set is not supported."
A Cisco 3750 switch can be stacked with any other model of Cisco 3750 switches but 3750X to
Participate IP services feature set enabled otherwise Basic routing functions, including static routing and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) will be in use.
In stacking 3750, 3750G or 3750X IOS should be identical.
This discussion you can read here…
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